5.A) What is the video’s theme?
The narrative of the video is about yearning for love, an obsession, a desire for a girl’s heart who is unaware of his existence.
The insecurity of a young boy and the correspondence of the music with his feelings of a broken heart after being rejected by his love.
The lyrics of the song reiterate how he feels for the girl, and how he just wants to be happy, i.e. a reference to the title of the song ‘Blue Skies’. The blue skies represent a new chapter after coming out of dark challenging times.
B) What are the mood progressions?
The audience is shown the ending from the beginning. We feel this will be a great twist, because it's unusual and it (we hope) will intrigue the audience as to why and what happened that led to this event.
The mood progressions from the characters-
The girl-
Unknowing and innocent, the audience is aware of her soon to be fate. But for now she is affected by the ‘stalker’. Later as the video progresses, we see the transformation of this character into a scared and vulnerable girl, with increasing stress over her situation.
The boy-
His imagination gets the better of him, as he wonders in a state of illusion, involving his ‘crush/obsession’ at these points he’s generally cheerful, which flows with the music well. These are also mostly in his flash backs, or fantasies.
However the mood quickly changes to chaotic, adrenalin filled frenzy at the kidnapping stage, which continues throughout until the climax.
C/D The location
Most of the scenes can develop in a local park, which is great for natural lighting and bringing a sense of purity and contrast to the progression of the storyline. We can also use a school classroom, common room, and a street close to the school for additional scenes. This enables the storyline a legitimate connection with the school student storyline. Another scene will take place in a stationary car; however this is more of a prop rather than a location, although the car park will be a location.
E) The lighting is extremely important; visually we would like to create a naturally lit setting, to reinforce an ordinary environment.